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Mongodb - multiple collections

I have 3 collections in Mongo (v5.0) and I want to get a subset of a collection using values in other collections. I worked with options like $redact , $lookup but did not get the right results. The most important part is array lookup in an array.


{ "id": "a@example.com", "region": "US"},
{ "id": "b@example.com", "region": "EU"},
{ "id": "c@example.com", "region": "EU"},
{ "id": "d@example.com", "region": "US"},


"HR": [ "a@example.com", "c@example.com" ],
"IT": [ "b@example.com", "d@example.com" ]

and I want to filter all users from a third collection called


"group" : ["HR"],
"region" : ["US", "EU"]

so final outcome should be "All users in HR in US or EU region"

{ "id": "a@example.com", "region": "US"},
{ "id": "c@example.com", "region": "EU"},

Please help.

Unsure how the performance of this query is executed, but it results in the expected outcome:

  1. $lookup - Join users and groups collections:

    1.1. $filter - Filter the document from the result 1.1.1 with k is not _id (search for "HR" and "IT" only) and v array contains user_id via $in .

    1.1.1. $objectToArray - Convert key-value pair into documents.

    1.2. $unwind - Deconstruct the groups array into documents.

    1.3. $replaceWith - Replace the input documents with groups field.

  2. $lookup - Join with rules collection:

    2.1. $filter - Filter the documents with:

    2.1.1. $size & $setIntersection - There is at least 1 element with groups_dept (aka groups.k ) variable intersect with groups .

    2.1.2. $in - region variable is in ( $in ) region array.

  3. $match - Filter the document with rules is not an empty array. (Mean fulfill the rules criteria.

  4. $unset - Remove rules and groups fields.

    $lookup: {
      from: "groups",
      let: {
        user_id: "$id"
      pipeline: [
          $project: {
            groups: {
              $filter: {
                input: {
                  $objectToArray: "$$ROOT"
                cond: {
                  $and: [
                      $not: {
                        $eq: [
                      $in: [
          $unwind: "$groups"
          $replaceWith: "$groups"
      as: "groups"
    $lookup: {
      from: "rules",
      let: {
        groups_dept: "$groups.k",
        region: "$region"
      pipeline: [
          $match: {
            $expr: {
              $and: [
                  $gt: [
                      $size: {
                        $setIntersection: [
                  $in: [
      as: "rules"
    $match: {
      rules: {
        $not: {
          $eq: []
    $unset: [

Sample Mongo Playground

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