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NodeJS - mtls connection through proxy

i have a problem doing a POST Request (Rest) to a server using mtls through a proxy-server (Typescript / Nodejs 14).

I already tried a lot with global-agent, tunnel, https-proxy-agent, ... but i'm only able to pass the proxy, but then i get different kind of ssl errors ("sslv3 alert handshake" or "unable to get local issuer"). With CURL (from my local environment; without proxy) i can connect, so certificate, key and truststore shouldnt be the problem.

curl --request POST https://open.supertest.com/api --key key.pem --cert cert.pem --cacert certchain.pem -v

The code will be executed via a Lambda-Function. By the way it must not be axios and tunnel.

Does someone maybe has a reference implementation in place somehow or an Idea what i might did wrong?

The following code raises the "unable to get local issuer" error:

 import * as tunnel from 'tunnel'; import axios from 'axios'; const httpsAgent = tunnel.httpsOverHttp({ proxy: { host: 'proxy.test.com', port: 8080, proxyAuth: 'johndoe:fancypassword', }, ca: [Buffer.from( ###see below### , 'utf-8')], key: Buffer.from( ###see below### , 'utf-8'), cert: Buffer.from( ###see below### , 'utf-8'), }); const client = axios.create({ baseUrl: 'https://open.supertest.com/api', httpsAgent, proxy: false // don't use axios own proxy implementation as it will not handle the corporate proxy correctly }); const response = await client.post(endpointDetails.path, { data: { message: 'test', }, });

The "ca" (certchain/truststore) content-string looks something like ... -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- content -----END CERTIFICATE-----


and "cert" (client-certificate) content-string looks something like ...


and "key" (client-privatekey) content-string looks something like ...


Found the issue. It was related to the certchain/truststore. There was one root ca missing which is preinstalled in the operating system where i ran the CURL, but of course not in the Lambda. So my solution was to just add the missing root ca and it worked fine.

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