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Pandas: Conditionally insert rows into DataFrame while iterating through rows in the middle

I have a dataframe and need to insert rows in the middle based on a condition, if the condition is met, I need to add rows based on previous and next row values. So far I have this

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    last_row = df.iloc[index-1]
    next_row = df.iloc[index+1]

    new_row = {
    'SystemID' : last_row.SystemID,
    'StartDateTime' : last_row.EndDateTime,
    'EndDateTime' : next_row.StartDateTime,
    'Date' : last_row.Date,
    new_row = {k:v for k,v in new_row.items()}
    if index == last:
        if index != 0 :
            if (df.iloc[index]['StartDateTime'] != df.iloc[index - 1]['EndDateTime']):
                df.loc[index+1] = new_row # This line is giving error


But when I'm trying to insert row(last line of code), it is throwing an error IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds for the code(next_row = df.iloc[index+1])

the data looks like this

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Update: I used the below logic as suggested in one of the answers

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if index == df.shape[0]:
            last_row = df.iloc[index-1]
            next_row = df.iloc[index]
            new_row = {
            'SystemID' : last_row.SystemID,
            'StartDateTime' : last_row.EndDateTime,
            'EndDateTime' : next_row.StartDateTime,
            'Date' : last_row.Date,
            'Duration':0 ,
            new_row = {k:v for k,v in new_row.items()}
            if index != 0 and index!=df.shape[0]:
                if (df.iloc[index]['StartDateTime'] != df.iloc[index - 1]['EndDateTime']):
                    df1 = df1.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)


Put the code in a try catch exception and append the new rows in a new dataframe and concat the two dataframes [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/mFVBT.png

You are trying to add a row beyond the dataframe's scope (size/capacity, so to say). You can get the the size of dataframe by using dataframe.shape() .

If you need to, you would have to extend the index of the dataframe using set_index() when you try to add a row at the end/after the last row. This should solve your issue.

You could also use dataframe.append() to add new rows.

Another possible solution would be to use integer slicing with iloc . iloc doesn't give an error with slicing, but again, going beyond the scope of the dataframe would still be an issue you have to fix before appending anyhting.

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