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mysql popup forgot password

I have a form forgot password that confirms if the user exists and send a email with a link for password reset, it works fine but i do like that message "email was been sent..." should appear in a popup instead on the same page.

I tried this but does not works:


var useremail = document.getElementById("email").value();
$.get( "validation.php?email="  function( response ) {
    // console.log( response ); // server response
    response = response.trim();
    if(response == 1){
        alert("Email sent....");
    } else{
        return false;



<form class="register" id="email" action="forgot.php" method="post" onSubmit="checkAll();">


if ($result=="") { $result = "Email has been sent"; }
  echo "<div>$result</div>";

I have sorted all and now it works i let here the solution in a hope that can helps someone else:

function alert(){
  echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
  echo "alert('Email has been sent - Please click on the link in the email to confirm.');";
  echo "</script>";

    if ($result=="") { $result = alert(); }


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