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Why react doesn't see .env

I have .env which has REACT_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:5000/ . I use it in this code snippet

import axios from "axios";

const host = axios.create({
    baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL

const authHost = axios.create({
    baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL

When I try to output console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL); then the value is displayed undefined, why is that? The .env file is located in the directory where all client files are present

first install dotenv: npm i dotenv
after that import this to file: const dotenv = require("dotenv")
and config dot env: dotenv.config()

Please check your .gitignore file, sometimes the create-react-app adds .env file to the.gitignore entry. Maybe that's the reason.

Did you try the dotenv package ?

npm install dotenv

In your config file add:


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