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How to construct a list in SPARQL

I have a ttl file that looks like this:

    a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:property ex:Property-1
    rdfs:label "Shape 1"

    a sh:PropertyShape ;
    sh:path ex:property1
    sh:in (
        "Option 1"
        "Option 2"
    ) ;
    sh:name "Property 1"

    a owl:DatatypeProperty

After loading the above data into my triple store (which contains many shapes already), what query can I use to retrieve the same data back?

This query gets everything I need except for the list. For the list it only gives a blank node.

PREFIX sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>
PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/#>

  ?subject ?predicate ?object
    bind(ex:Shape1 as ?subject)
    ex:Shape1 ?predicate ?object
     ex:Shape1 sh:property ?subject .
    ?subject ?predicate ?object
    ex:Shape1 sh:property/sh:path ?subject .
    ?subject ?predicate ?object

First of all, why do you need to query to get the same data back? Do you mean you need to get it in the same syntax and formatting?

  • to get the same data in the form of triples, you can simply execute SELECT * from ?s ?p ?o and it will give you all the triples. It also depends on your triplestore.

  • The standard query to fetch the items in your list would be the following:

     PREFIX sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/#> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> SELECT ?item WHERE { ex:Property-1 sh:in/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?item }

You can read more about how the list items are stored internally. This link will be helpful. You can bind the ex:Property-1 in the same way in UNION or WHERE clause in your construct query to get the desired result.

I hope it is helpful. Good luck.

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