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Redux Thunk Typescript

I'm trying to make a thunk that filters a base array and passes data into the filtered array, but I keep getting an error when I do a dispatch in useEffect.

Writes: "Argument of type '(dispatch: ThunkDispatch<IRootState, void, Action>, getState: IRootState) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AnyAction'."

I don't understand what to do, I followed the redux documentation, but still nothing works

Thunk action-creator:

export const filterServices = () => {
  return (
    dispatch: ThunkDispatch<IRootState, void, Action>,
    getState: IRootState
  ) => {
    const category = getState.filters.category;
    const subcategory = getState.filters.subcategory;
    let result = getState.services.services;

    result =
      category === 'All categories'
        ? result
        : result.map((e: any) => e.category === category);
    result =
       subcategory === 'All Subcategories'
        ? result
        : result.map((e: any) => e.subcategory === subcategory);


Action interfaces

export interface IFilteringServices {
  type: ActionType.FILTERING_SERVICES;
  payload: IService[];

export type Action =
  | IGetServices
  | IAddToCart
  | IRemoveFromCart
  | IFilteringServices
  | IUseFilters;

RootState interface:

export type IRootState = typeof storeState;


useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

I changed the dispach hook and everything started working:

export const useAppDispatch = () =>
  useDispatch<ThunkDispatch<IRootState, unknown, AnyAction>>();

Also changed the getState call, I forgot it was a function:

(dispatch: Dispatch<Action>, getState: () => IRootState) => {

const state = getState().services.filteredServices

...other code

I changed this code with filtering, but maybe the information about the hook and getState will help someone

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