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Is it possible to not use _any_ Docker image in CI mode for GitLab?

I've got a repository that has a series of documents (multimarkdown files, PDFs, GSN arguments, etc.) that need to use our internal (currently) proprietary tool to assemble those documents into a HTML-like document. The internal tool is quite complicated to use and isn't (yet) deployable.

What I tried doing was compiling the internal tool on the Ubuntu VM that I knew would be used for this job and then not tell GitLab (we're using self-hosted GitLab) to use any docker image when it tried to assemble the documents. Alas, when the CI job was run, I saw:

Pulling docker image alpine:latest ...

And then, of course, none of the stuff I installed on the VM itself was available.

  1. Is there a way to have GitLab run the CI job without any Docker image?
  2. If not (or if this alternative is just plain "better"), what is a good resource for reading how to install this complicated internal tool into a Docker image?

NB: The current methodology for "installing" the complicated internal tool, in addition to a lot of installing packages via apt-get, etc., (which I already have examples of how to do in Docker), is to clone the repository, and then run npm install and rake install in the cloned directory.

This is controlled by your GitLab-runner configuration. When the runner uses the docker executor it will always use a docker image for the build. If you want to run a GitLab job without using docker, you will need to configure a GitLab runner with the "shell" executor on your VM.

However, using image: ubuntu:focal or similar is likely enough. You usually don't have to be concerned about the fact that an executor happens to run your job inside of a container. This is also beneficial, as it means your build environment is reproducible and that process will be defined in your job.

  image: ubuntu:focal
    - apt update && apt install -y nodejs ruby # or whatever else
    # - npm install
    # - gem install
    # - rake install
    # etc...

Or better yet, if you can produce a docker image with your core dependencies installed you can just use image: my-special-image in your GitLab job to use that image as your build environment.

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