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If function to check multiple column conditions across multiple sheets

I'm starting an Excel sheet collecting weekly data, and I'm trying to create an if statement to access the last(index) sheet in the workbook and check multiple conditions.

I need to check whether cells in column k are "true" and, if they are, whether the date in column J falls within the month range from the sheet called "Dashboard". If these two conditions are met, I'll add one to my counter and then ultimately print this counter number into a cell on the Dashboard sheet.

So far my code is:

Sub CreateTable()
Dim n As Integer, RangeCount As Integer
Dim MaxVal As Long

n = 0
RangeCount = 1
sheets(sheets.Count).Select) 'I don't want this line but I don't know how else to access the final sheet in code
MaxVal = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("J1:J14")) 'Columns J and K will always be the same length
For RangeCount = 1 to MaxVal
    If Cells(RangeCount, 11) = "true" And Sheets("Dashboard").Range("Y17") <= sheets(sheets.Count).Select.Cells(RangeCount, 11) And sheets("Dashboard").WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Range("Y17", 0)) >= Cells(RangeCount, 11) Then
       n = n + 1
    End If
Next RangeCount
End Sub

Y17 is the cell in Dashboard where a month is listed (1/12/2022). My current error is Object Required, but I think I've defined everything I need to define, etc. Any help would be appreciated!

Do you have an issue with your conditons?

Option Explicit

Sub CreateTable()
Dim n As Integer, RangeCount As Integer
Dim MaxVal As Long

n = 0
RangeCount = 1
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Select                         'I don't want this line but I don't know how else to access the final sheet in code
MaxVal = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("J1:J14"))  'Columns J and K will always be the same length
For RangeCount = 1 To MaxVal
    If CheckConditions(RangeCount) Then
       n = n + 1
    End If
Next RangeCount
End Sub

Function CheckConditions(locCnt As Integer) As Boolean    
Dim locTest As Boolean

'which worksheet? do you want the activesheet here?
locTest = Cells(locCnt, 11) = "true"  

locTest = locTest And Sheets("Dashboard").Range("Y17") <= Sheets(Sheets.Count).Cells(locCnt, 11)

'which worksheet for cells? do you want the activesheet here?
locTest = locTest And Sheets("Dashboard").WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Range("Y17", 0)) >= Cells(locCnt, 11)

CheckConditions = locTest
End Function

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