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React Parent Function Called from Child Component does not Update State?

I'm stuck on having my child component: ChildButton call its parent component: ParentTable 's function that contains a "setState", to then refresh or update the table itself (in the parent).

I am passing a getData function from the parent to the child through props. On button click in the child - call a function to; close a dialog, do a PUT on a mock api datastore, then call the getData function. The getData function does a GET from the api and does a setState on "apiData". Problem is the data is not updating in the parent table even though the getData function is being called.. Don't state changes cause a reload? Code below:


export default function ParentTable() {
    **const [apiData, setAPIData] = useState([]);**

    const getData = () => {
            .then((getData) => {
        console.log('getData'); // fires on child button click

    return (
                {**apiData**.map((obj) => {
                    <Table.Cell>bunch of data from the obj..
                    <Table.Cell><ChildButton **getData={getData}**</Table.Cell>
        ... />../>../>

export default ParentTable;


const ChildButton = ({getData, ...}) => {
    function handleClose() {
        axios.put(`https://blah.mockapi.io/fakeData/${id}`, {


    return (
        <Button onClick={handleClose} ...>

export default ChildButton;

Long story short - why is my change of state in the Parent Component not updating it's table data?

Axios.put returns a promise and you are not waiting for the response. Invoke the getData function inside the .then function or use async await:

 axios.put(`https://blah.mockapi.io/fakeData/${id}`, {
        }).then(() => **getData()**)

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