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Can you work with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) using Windows for Android part?

I wanted to enable one of my Android project to the new KMM but will deploy only for Android platform for the time being. According to this FAQ page it seems that the plugin works only for macOS. But was confused on the next paragraph stating

The good news is that you can work with cross-platform projects on Android even without the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin. If you are going to work with shared code or Android-specific code, you can work on any operating system supported by Android Studio.

I am not planning yet to run the iOS part as I am still learning it, all I want for now is to prepare my project so when I am confident with my iOS skill starting it would be easy. I do not have a good Mac device as of now that is why I prefer to use my Windows machine for now which is more reliable for heavy stuff like Android development.


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