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Label color of disabled SwiftUI buttons

What are the label colors of these disabled SwiftUI buttons? I would like to use the colors in my own button styles so that they are consistent with the existing styles.

I found that they have some transparency. Also, they are different in light and dark mode. But none of the system colors seems to match. I experimented with transparency, too, without success so far.

import SwiftUI

struct ButtonTestView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Button("Button", action: {})
            Button("Button (same BG as bordered)", action: {})
            Button("BorderedButton", action: {})
            // Same with different background
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                Button("Button", action: {})
                Button("Button (same BG as bordered)", action: {})
                Button("BorderedButton", action: {})

Light mode:


Dark mode:


Personally, I use.opacity(isDisable? 0.5: 1) on my button or stack to present disabled buttons. It will give you the disabled effect look and the transparent look too.

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