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Rails: Error running rake due to different ruby version

I'm using a self-hosted chatwoot installation on AWS using ubuntu.

I'm upgrading the chatwoot version following the guide but when i want to precompile the assets, I run into an error

Your Ruby version is 2.7.0, but your Gemfile specified 3.0.2

But when i get the ruby version, it states that my version is already the same as specified in the Gemfile.

Screenshot of the problem

I'm kind of loss at this problem.

Thanks in advance.

You better install Ruby 2.7.0 for compatibility. The Ruby version in your local machine is different from the one declared in Gemfile.

If you're using rvm:

rvm install 2.7.0
rvm use 2.7.0

else if you're using rbenv:

rbenv install 2.7.0
rbenv local 2.7.0

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