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Expo react native material-top-tab-navigator inside scrollView not showing screen

When loading a tab screen using material-top-tab-navigator the screens are not displayed


"@react-navigation/material-top-tabs": "^6.2.1"

"expo": "^45.0.0",

page where the navigator is loaded

return (
      <ScrollView >
         <TitleH2 color={colors.white} style={{marginHorizontal:20, marginBottom:20}}>Ervaringen in gebied</TitleH2>
         <View >

Where the navigator is created

  return (
              tabBarIndicatorStyle:{ backgroundColor:colors.green_500, },
              tabBarActiveTintColor: colors.green_500,
              tabBarScrollEnabled: true,
              lazy: true,
              backgroundColor: colors.green_500,
          <Tab.Screen name="Tab1" component={TabSceen1}  />
          <Tab.Screen name="Tab2" component={TabSceen1} />
          <Tab.Screen name="Tab3" component={TabSceen1} />
          <Tab.Screen name="Tab4" component={TabSceen2} />

I was only able to display the screen when giving the navigator a fixed height. But then it's not scrollable and the content is not properly displayed.

Is there a way to make the screen display in a scrollview where the height is displayed based on the content size in side a screen, and where it's also able to be scrolled?

  • update question *

How do you make the tab screens appear in a scrollView

use this contentContainerStyle={{flex: 1}} in side scroll view

<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{flex: 1}}/>

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