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What Prettier setting do I need to prevent line space removal before an anonymous function?

Looking for a way in a .prettierrc file to prevent line space removal before an anonymous function, example before save:

export const a = file => {}

export const b = file => {}

;(async () => {

and after save:

export const a = file => {}

export const b = file => {}
;(async () => {


In a .prettierrc file, how can I prevent the line removal before an anonymous function?

I'm pretty late, but essentially you can't. Prettier is an opinionated formatter , which means you won't be able to have the level of customization you're looking for in this situation.

You could try using EditorConfig or ESLint , which even though it's a linter (and not a formatter), it can be used as such.

That being said, I wouldn't worry about this too much. The aim of formatters should be to keep a code style consistent, especially when collaborating with other developers. That's why most popular formatters are opinionated. No one wants to be in a team having meaningless discussions about code style :).

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