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Reload component in vue JS

I'm just getting started with VueJs I have a refresh button when I click on it I want it to reload/refresh a component and a table I have, I tried the forceUpdate method as well as the key changing method but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone knows how can I make it work? Thank you!

Here's my button:

<v-col cols="1" style="max-width: 40px;">
  <v-icon @click="refreshList">mdi-refresh</v-icon>

refreshList is the method called but it's empty till now since nothing has worked yet

Here's the component I want to reload:

<v-row dense>
  <v-col cols="12">
    <statusBar :stat="stats" mode="site"/>

And here's the table I want to reload:

             <v-col cols="8">
                style="background-color: #292B3D;"
                <template v-slot:[`item.status`]="{ item }">
                    v-if="naming[item.status].color == '#FFFFFF'"
                    {{ naming[item.status].lib }}
                    {{ naming[item.status].lib }}

                <template v-slot:[`item.connectors`]="{ item }">
                  <cardConnector :data="item.connectors"></cardConnector>

You should update the data passed to the statusBar component. Since props are reactive, it will re-render.

refreshList() {
 ....logic to update `stats`....

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