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Using wildcard in Custom event pattern for the S3 event

I want to send an SQS notification from an S3 bucket on a specific folder but seems wildcards are not supported in EventBridge as well as S3 Event Notification. Is there any way by which I can trigger my SQS. BucketName: my-s3-bucket want to send notification if file added in a specific folder inside this bucket:


and not on any other folder inside this bucket. I tried EventBridge as well by below event but no luck there as well:

  "source": ["aws.s3"],
  "detail-type": ["Object Created"],
  "detail": {
    "bucket": {
      "name": ["my-s3-bucket"]

Please suggest

If its not directly supported then you have to filter your events through a lambda function :

S3 ---> Lambda to filter the enents ----> SQS

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