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Company's firewall blocks connection to AZURE IoT-Central

at the moment I am trying to connect a REAL device out of the companies network with AZURE IoT-Central. I tried it via Node-RED and MQTT there I am getting this error message: 1

And when I try it with the AZURE IoT-Python-SDK and MQTT, I get a similar message...

Our systemadmin knows the issue and all the needed ports (1883, 8883, ...) are open, we also have the IoT-Central Application URL on the whitelist ( https://myiotcapp.azureiotcentral.com/ ). I don't know what to do anymore or what security settings have to be made...

To add: When I am not in the companies network all works fine...

Has anyone had to deal with a similar problem?

According to documentation :

The MQTT port (8883) is blocked in many corporate and educational networking environments. If you can't open port 8883 in your firewall, we recommend using MQTT over Web Sockets. MQTT over Web Sockets communicates over port 443, which is almost always open in networking environments.

Add websockets=True in the call to create the client in MQTT.

from azure.iot.device.aio import IoTHubDeviceClient
device_client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(deviceConnectionString, websockets=True)

References: Connect to Azure IotHub using MQTT in Javascript , Dynamically create devices on IoT Central from Node-Red , and The connection with Azure IoT Hub is lost and it does not recover.

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