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i Get a "Property type does not exist on type boolean" error when i try to do an inline ternary operator in vue3 typescript

The error Property type does not exist on type boolean shows on the show.value boolean

when I try to apply the text for the icon based on the truthiness


<div class="d-flex cursor-pointer justify-content-between border rounded bg-white mt-4 p-2 w-100 " @click="dropdown">
    <span>Purchase Requsition</span>
    <span class="material-icons fs-28 text-primary">
{{show.value ? 'arrow_circle_down' : 'arrow_circle_down' }}     </span>


<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";

const show = ref<boolean>(false)

function dropdown(){
   show.value = !show.value

<style scoped>


You should use show instead of show.value in your template. show.value is only available within the script tag in the composition api.


<div class="d-flex cursor-pointer justify-content-between border rounded bg-white mt-4 p-2 w-100 " @click="dropdown">
    <span>Purchase Requsition</span>
    <span class="material-icons fs-28 text-primary">
      {{show ? 'arrow_circle_down' : 'arrow_circle_down' }}


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