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How can I get only 0 and 1 as results in a linear regression in sas?

I have a linear model that predicts the stat "buy" that can only have 0 or 1 as an outcome.

All my predictions are some rational numbers like 0.2 or something like that. My idea would be to make every number of 0.5 or above a 1 and everything else a 0. How can I do that?

My idea was with an if then else statement but at least like that it doesn't work:

proc GLMSELECT data=tasks.data plots=all;
 by descending gender;
 model buy = affiliate age;
 if buy >=0.5 then buy = 1 else 0;

How do I need to code it so it works?

You don't need a linear regression model, you need a logistic regression model. Linear regression is designed for continuous outcomes, not binary events. I highly recommend reading up about the differences between categorical and continuous models .

proc logistic data=sashelp.heart plots=all;
    class BP_Status Chol_Status Smoking_Status ;
    model status(event='Dead') = Height Weight BP_Status Chol_Status Smoking_Status 
        / selection=stepwise sle=0.1 sls=0.05

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