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Python Pandas how to change background color if age is equal to a number?

How do I change the color of the Age column if the condition that the value is equal to 33 is met?

My code:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        "Nombre": ["Mike", "Jordan", "John"],
        "Age": [33, 45, 20],
        "Lugar": ["Arg", "Pol", "Ind"]
def _color_red_or_green(val):
    color = 'red' if val != 33 else 'green'
    return 'color: %s' % color



if you need to make the color red when you inputs 33, then you need to make this change.

val == 33

Instead of

val != 33

This is the final code just incase:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        "Nombre": ["Mike", "Jordan", "John"],
        "Age": [33, 45, 20],
        "Lugar": ["Arg", "Pol", "Ind"]
def _color_red_or_green(val):
    color = 'red' if val == 33 else 'green'
    return 'color: %s' % color



If you're looking to change the color of the Age column only, try this:

# only style the Age column
df.style.applymap(_color_red_or_green, subset=['Age'])

Depending on what you want to color, one of two options are possible:

# change color of values
def _color_red_or_green(val):
    color = 'red' if val == 33 else 'green'
    return 'color: %s' % color


# change color of cells
def _color_red_or_green(val):
    color = 'red' if val == 33 else 'green'
    return 'background: %s' % color


Make it easy and convenient by using the functions that already exist, instead of using applymap:

 .set_properties(subset=["Age"], background="lightgreen")
 .highlight_between(subset=["Age"], color="pink", left=33, right=33)

(You can of course use other colors if wanted - for background I picked lighter variants of red and green.)


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