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What is better helm repo to install nginx ingress?

As far as I understand there are two or more helm repos with nginx-ingress.

nginx-stable > https://helm.nginx.com/stable
ingress-nginx > https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx

Firstly I have installed from nginx-stable, but this installation by default use selfsigned certs. When I try to investigate this question I have found out that in official tutorial https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/ (which address is very similar to ingress-nginx helm repo) gives another repo https://helm.nginx.com/stable When I have tried to generate helm templates for both these repos, I found out that result is different. Could anyone explain why there are two repos, and what distinguish between them

...there are two or more helm repos with nginx-ingress

There is only one ingress-nginx project. The helm charts referred in your question are actually 2 different projects. ingress-nginx is managed by k8s community and kubernetes-ingress is managed by Nginx (F5). Here's a guide about their differences.

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