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Copying a file to jenkins workspace location

I need to copy one file to the workspace location of jenkins for my pipeline jenkins job. For that I need to use bat command for windows. What is the bat command to copy the file from one source location to the destination location. I have used the code like

bat '''xcopy /Y /s "<source location>"*.*"<Destination location>"'''

The above code was getting the error as file not found but i have provided the right path of the files. Can anyone please help me with this.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the *.* but if you just want to copy a file from the source location to the destination, you should use:

bat '''xcopy /Y /s "<source location>" "<Destination location>"'''

no *.* . You will get file not found with *.* . If this doesn't fulfill your needs, then elaborate on exactly what you are trying to do here and I should be able to help.

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