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How do you set default value in mat-select within an *ngFor

I am trying to set a default value in mat-select within an *ngFor, however, accessing the element in the array from the loop is not working as wanted. Is there any similar way to this approach?

.ts file:

persons: Person[] = .. //consist of Person with name and age

.html file:

<div *ngFor="let person of persons">
    {{ person.name }}
    <mat-select [(value)]="person.age">
         <mat-option value="10-20">10-20</mat-option>
         <mat-option value="20-30">20-30</mat-option>

To set a default value, you need to populate your array with a value assigned to each object's age property. Then mat-select [(value)] binding can set the matching value as default.

Example ( Stackblitz demo ):

export class AppComponent {
  persons = [
      name: 'John Smith',
      age: '30-40'
      name: 'Patrick Stewart',
      age: '10-20'
      name: 'Peter Parker',
      age: '20-30'

If your array is dynamic, you can run a loop to assign a default value to each element as well.

ngOnInit() {
  this.persons.forEach(item => item.age = '10-20'); // set the default age you want



<div *ngFor="let person of persons">
  {{ person.name }}
    <mat-select [(value)]="person.age">
      <mat-option value="10-20">10-20</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="20-30">20-30</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="30-40">30-40</mat-option>



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