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Next.js: How to get URL path inside getStaticPaths?

I want get last number by current url pathnames inside getStaticPaths.

http://localhost:3000/category/food/2 -> 2,
http://localhost:3000/category/food/3 -> 3,

I tried.

 export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
  // getAllCategories() is fetch(GET) allcategories
  const allCategories = await getAllCategories() //  fetch;

  const num = 2; <- Get number by current url pathnames

  return {
        ({ node }: { node: { [key: string]: string } }) =>
      ) || [],
    fallback: false,

Dose anyone know how to resolve?

In my opinion you are on the wrong way with just getStaticPaths because it is pre-rendered at build time and you do not have access to the path.

You should combine it with getStaticProps where you get a context object to use; for details please read the official documenation -> https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/data-fetching/get-static-props and https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/data-fetching/get-static-paths

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