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How can I select the current div with Javascript

I have code to imitate a survey. Basically there are questions and some options under them. What I tried to do is something " object-oriented " let's say.

So I am grouping every question and there under each question I can add many options but all options should belong to their question .

A question would have a questionName and a list of options. I have implemented the grouping of the questions but I don't know how to exactly choose the current question so that when the user is adding options, they would be added to the last question let's say.

This is my code:

 newQuestion() function newQuestion() { // Create a variable which is basically the questionaire from the html var questionaire = document.getElementById('questionaire'); /* HERE I AM CREATING A DIV WHICH WILL BE REPRESENTING EACH QUESTION */ // Create a variable which is a new div to be the question const question = document.createElement('div'); // add classname and put it as a child of questionaire question.classList.add("question"); questionaire.append(question); /* HERE I AM CREATING A DIV WHICH WILL BE REPRESENTING THE QUESTION NAME */ // Create a variable which is a new div to be the question name const qname = document.createElement('div'); // add a classname, make it editable and set the text to be shown qname.classList.add("qName"); qname.innerHTML = '<div contenteditable="true">Your Question</div>'; // put qName as a child of question question.appendChild(qname); // add a new option and pass as parameter the question newOption(question) } function newOption(father) { /* IF THERE IS AN ARGUMENT, father is the question where this option will belong */ // else you need to get the question from the html if (arguments.length == 0) { // select current question /* PROBLEM IS HERE BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX*/ var father = document.getElementsByClassName('question')[0]; } // Create a variable which is a new div to be an option const op = document.createElement('div'); // add a classname, make it editable and set the text to be shown op.classList.add("option"); op.innerHTML = '<div> <ul id="optionList"> <li class="optionName" contenteditable="true">Option <li class="box"> <input type="checkbox"> </li> </ul> </div>'; // put option as a child of question father.appendChild(op); }
 body { background-color : #00ffaa; } #myText { margin-top : 15px; font-family : 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; text-align : center; } .question { border : 3px solid black; border-radius : 25px; margin : 30px 200px 20px 200px; } .qName { color : rgb(86, 17, 150); margin-top : 10px; font-size : 25px; text-align : center; } .optionname { margin-left : -50px; } .box { margin-left : 90px; } .option { display : table; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; margin-top : 10px; } ul#optionList li { display : inline; } .optionName { font-size : 19px; font-style : oblique; }
 <h1 id="myText" contenteditable="true">Survey Name</h1> <button type="button" id="addQuButton" onclick="newQuestion()"> Add Question </button> <button type="button" id="addOpButton" onclick="newOption()"> Add Option </button> <form> <div id="questionaire"></div> </form>

HTML CODE: (just the basic structure of the survey)
JAVASCRIPT CODE: (here's is most of the work where I have 2 functions to add the questions and options)
CSS CODE: (here's just for styling)

If anyone knows how to help with this code or you think an other approach would be better it would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

I ended up changing more than originally intended. There were multiple id s and deep nested <div><div><ul><li><li> ... structures that resultet in many case in invalid html. For this reason I simplified both your markup and your JavaScript code. I also took the liberty of creating multiple "Add Option" buttons (one for each question). The page is by far not ready yet but I hope it can be a pointer of where to go ...

 const questionnaire=document.getElementById('questionaire'); newQuestion(); function newQuestion() { questionnaire.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div class="question"> <div contenteditable="true">Your Question</div> <ul></ul> <button type="button">Add Option</button> </div>`); newOption(questionnaire.querySelector("div.question:last-child ul")); } function newOption(q) { q.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<li class="optionName"> <span contenteditable="true">Option</span> <input type="checkbox"> </li>`); } questionnaire.onclick=ev=>{ if (ev.target.tagName==="BUTTON") newOption( ev.target.closest(".question").querySelector('ul') ) } document.getElementById("addQuButton").onclick=newQuestion
 body { background-color : #ccc; } #myText { margin-top : 15px; font-family : 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; text-align : center; } .question { border : 3px solid black; border-radius : 25px; margin : 30px 200px 20px 200px; text-align : center; } .question ul li { display : block; }
 <h1 id="myText" contenteditable="true">Survey Name</h1> <button type="button" id="addQuButton">Add Question</button> <form> <div id="questionaire"></div> </form>

Please check the newly added line and modified line in newOption(father) function

 newQuestion() function newQuestion() { // Create a variable which is basically the questionaire from the html var questionaire = document.getElementById('questionaire'); /* HERE I AM CREATING A DIV WHICH WILL BE REPRESENTING EACH QUESTION */ // Create a variable which is a new div to be the question const question = document.createElement('div'); // add classname and put it as a child of questionaire question.classList.add("question"); questionaire.append(question); /* HERE I AM CREATING A DIV WHICH WILL BE REPRESENTING THE QUESTION NAME */ // Create a variable which is a new div to be the question name const qname = document.createElement('div'); // add a classname, make it editable and set the text to be shown qname.classList.add("qName"); qname.innerHTML = '<div contenteditable="true">Your Question</div>'; // put qName as a child of question question.appendChild(qname); // add a new option and pass as parameter the question newOption(question) } function newOption(father) { /* IF THERE IS AN ARGUMENT, father is the question where this option will belong */ // else you need to get the question from the html if (arguments.length == 0) { // select current question /* PROBLEM IS HERE BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX*/ var fatherlen = document.getElementsByClassName('question').length;//newly added one var father = document.getElementsByClassName('question')[fatherlen-1];//modified } // Create a variable which is a new div to be an option const op = document.createElement('div'); // add a classname, make it editable and set the text to be shown op.classList.add("option"); op.innerHTML = '<div> <ul id="optionList"> <li class="optionName" contenteditable="true">Option <li class="box"> <input type="checkbox"> </li> </ul> </div>'; // put option as a child of question father.appendChild(op); }
 body { background-color : #00ffaa; } #myText { margin-top : 15px; font-family : 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; text-align : center; } .question { border : 3px solid black; border-radius : 25px; margin : 30px 200px 20px 200px; } .qName { color : rgb(86, 17, 150); margin-top : 10px; font-size : 25px; text-align : center; } .optionname { margin-left : -50px; } .box { margin-left : 90px; } .option { display : table; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; margin-top : 10px; } ul#optionList li { display : inline; } .optionName { font-size : 19px; font-style : oblique; }
 <h1 id="myText" contenteditable="true">Survey Name</h1> <button type="button" id="addQuButton" onclick="newQuestion()"> Add Question </button> <button type="button" id="addOpButton" onclick="newOption()"> Add Option </button> <form> <div id="questionaire"></div> </form>

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