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Pymongo define list as type of ObjectId for $in query

I have a list of ObjectIds which I want to pass into the following pymongo command to find the documents by their ObjectId

ids = ['62b3221c2db07f9388aa61e9', '62b325f65402e5ceea9a3d4c', '62b48ccee6f77605c2783775']

list(dbusers.find({"_id" : {"$in": ids }}))

However it expects them to be in the format ids = [ObjectId('62b3221c2db07f9388aa61e9'), ObjectId('62b325f65402e5ceea9a3d4c'), ObjectId('62b48ccee6f77605c2783775')]

But I can't seem to get them in this format as they are in a list?

You can convert the object id strings to proper ObjectId objects by giving the object id as a parameter when creating it ( ObjectId(<object_id>) ).

To convert your list to a list of ObjectId objects instead of a plain string list, you can use map which invokes a callable on each element in a list and returns an iterator - you can then exhaust this iterator and get a list back by giving it to list :

from bson.objectId import ObjectId

object_id_list = list(map(ObjectId, ids))
found_users = list(dbusers.find({"_id": {"$in": object_id_list}}))

Since a class works as a callable to instantiate the class, you can give the class as the first argument to map and get objects created as that class back.

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