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Odoo doesn't like the times I report to hr.attendance

I am reporting check_in and check_out events to the hr.attendance model via xmlrpc, and I think I am reporting correct times, for example:

ID: 75 Scan Type: check_in   Scan Time: 2022-06-22 14:14:57
ID: 75 Scan Type: check_out  Scan Time: 2022-06-22 22:55:12

Those times are in UTC, and when I look at the first attendance record (which gets accepted), it shows the correct local time (which in my case is 7:14am).

However, when the check_out event is reported, Odoo is returning:

[faultCode] => 2
[faultString] => "Check Out" time cannot be earlier than "Check In" time.

It's definitely around ~8 hours later, from 14:14:57 to 22:55:12.

Any ideas what I am missing here?

check_in and check_out should be on the same record. First, you are creating a check_in record, and then you are probably trying to create a second record for check_out . Instead, you should try to find the last open record and update the check_out .

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