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How can I know which static pages on my site are being visited?

How can I know which static pages on my site are being visited? By static pages I mean PDF for the most part.

I use Apache and PHP.

You need to look at your apache config. It will specify the location of logfiles that you want to look at.

I believe the default location is /var/log/apache2 once there you can monitor traffic in real time with something like tail -f access.log or you can process the logfiles to get an idea of how many hits the resources are getting.

assuming you had in xampp (preferable windows cause for sure cmod write right are on) the folder 0 and you can access http://localhost/0/ cause the server is on,

assuming you use links like this to acces each pdf file:



assuming your php.ini settings does allow to run error_log function

you have these files .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /0/
RewriteRule ^.*\.pdf$ ?countfile=$0 [R=301,L,QSA]

# i'm not so pro with .htaccess so i used work based on


    isset($_REQUEST['countfile'])and error_log($_REQUEST['countfile']."\r\n",3,'logpdf.txt');


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="Generator" content="CustaRoolez">
<title>just for fun</title>
    foreach($statistics as $file => $cnt){
        echo 'the file: '.$file.' was accesed by'.$cnt.' times<br>';

then should be the fastest custom method to logs visits statistics to count pdf access files

on https://www.real-domain-whaterver.extension .htaccess may be like this (you should set the route,isn't automaticly) so for https://www.real-domain-whaterver.extension/ <---- '/' :

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^.*\.pdf$ ?countfile=$0 [R=301,L,QSA]

remember you should have right to write so on real public domain you could modify in index.php




and results.php




and sure create someFOLDERtoLOG and setting cmod 775 or verify if is already(depend by administrator settings)

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