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React-Native: Bottom Tab Navigator: 'tabBarOptions' is deprecated. Migrate the options to 'screenOptions' instead

I am developing a mobile app with React Native, and in it I use Tab.Navigator - Tab.Screen component. In the Navigator I use the initialRouteName , tabBarOptions , and screenOptions properties. Everything works fine in the other properties, until the javaScript finds screenOptions . Then it gives me the alert:

// Place the following in 'screenOptions' in your code to keep current behavior:

   "tabBarStyle": [
      "display": "flex"

See https://reactnavigation.org/docs/bottom-tab-navigator#options for more details.

I already did it in my code:

   const App = () => {
     return (
            tabBarActiveTintColor: '#efb810',
            tabBarInactiveTintColor: 'black'
          screenOptions = {({ route }) =>({
            tabBarStyle: [
                display: "flex"
        tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => 
        screenOptions(route, color),

And this is the function that renders the color of my icons when I am on one of the screens:

const screenOptions = (route, color ) =>{
  let IconName;

  switch (route.name){
    case 'Home':
    IconName = "home-circle-outline"

    case "ExerciseScreensStack":
    IconName = "basketball"

    case 'RoutinesStack':
    IconName = "walk"


    <Icon type='material-community' name={IconName} size={22} 

); }

And I'm still having the same problem. What should I do to fix it? Should I ignore it since it doesn't circumstantially affect the app's performance? Why is this happening?

Place the options in tabBarOptions into screenOptions instead, like so:

 screenOptions = {({ route }) =>({
        tabBarActiveTintColor: '#efb810',
        tabBarInactiveTintColor: 'black',
        tabBarStyle: [
            display: "flex"
    tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => 
    screenOptions(route, color),

Its giving this warning because the tabBarOptions has been deprecated in React Navigation v6.x

It looks that deprecation has been claimed for 4 years now but warnings do not cease. Anyone sure when the effect will be permanent, and any cases tabaroptions wont apply to screenops

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