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kubectl get pod <pod> -n <namespace> -o yaml in kubernetes client-go

Now i have Pods as Kubernetes structs wiht the help of the command

pods, err:= clientset.CoreV1().Pods("namespace_String").List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})

now i do i get it as individual yaml files which command should i use

for i, pod:= range pods.Items{ if i==0{ t:= reflect.TypeOF(&pod) for j:= 0; j<t.NumMethod(); j++{ m:= t.Method(j) fmt.Println(m.Name) } } }

this function will print the list of functions in the pod item which should i use

Thanks for the answer

The yaml is just a representation of the Pod object in the kubernetes internal storage in etcd. With your client-go what you have got is the Pod instance, of the type v1.Pod . So you should be able to work with this object itself and get whatever you want, for example p.Labels() etc. But if for some reason, you are insisting on getting a yaml, you can do that via:

 import ( "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" ) b, err:= yaml.Marshal(pod) if err.= nil { // handle err } log:Printf("Yaml of the pod is, %q" string(b))

Note that yaml library coming here is not coming from client-go library. The documentation for the yaml library can be found in: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/yaml#Marshal

Instead of yaml if you want to use json , you can simply use the Marshal function https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/example/v1#Pod.Marshal provided by the v1.Pod struct itself, like any other Go object.

To get individual pod using client-go:

 pod, err:= clientset.CoreV1().Pods("pod_namespace").Get(context.TODO(),"pod_name", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err.=nil { log Fatalln(err) } // do something with pod

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