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How to put the constrain of duplicated entries in DynamoDB?

I am using DynamoDB under Python environment and I would like to use the following DynamoDB as an example:

id time value
1 1 1
2 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
1 4 6
  1. I would like to have a table that has unique id and time (not id or time ).
  2. I would like to put entries from time to time. I would like the put operation would fail if there is an entry with the same id and time already exist in the table.

For the second criteria, I would like to know if I need to perform a get operation first or I could perform a write operation and, by table design, could raise an exception and then I ignore the exception (because the entry already exist in DynamoDB).

You'll want to have your code use a partition key that is the compound value of id and time separated by something like a hash. Like 1#1 .

You can insert data with a PutItem having a conditional expression to fail if the PK already exists.


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