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Xcode Bus error: 10 when archiving but working fine on debug

Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100)

A project using SwiftUI fails archiving and throws the very cryptic message Bus error: 10 , without further explanation.

But everything works fine while debugging.

After some fiddling with the project Build Settings , specifically the differences between Debug and Release modes I narrowed the problem to be around Optimization Level . Using Optimize for Speed [-0] (my Release configuration) will throw the error, but if I change it to No Optimization [-0none] the error is gone and I can archive.

How can I fix the problem without compromising optimization?

After long research and reading this answer I was able to narrow the issue even further. It turned out I had a SwiftUI EquatableView , but without properties. Something like this:

Not working for Optimization

struct MyEquatableView: View, Equatable { var body: some View { // some content } static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { // some logic } }

All I had to do was adding a "dummy property" to my View :

Compatible with Optimization

struct MyEquatableView: View, Equatable { private let id = UUID() // dummy property var body: some View { // some content } static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { // some logic } }

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