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Adding a new column that the values are determined by another column (after groupby)

This is the original dataframe looks like , and I want to add a new column called [withdraw_#], which recorded how many times the parent_user_id withdraw their money [I don't know the steps after I groupby('parent_user_id')]

This is the revised dataframe looks like



    user      side amount
0  10067  WITHDRAW   2000
1  10057   DEPOSIT   5000
2  10067  WITHDRAW   1000
3  10057  WITHDRAW   6000


    user      side amount  WITHDRAW_#
0  10067  WITHDRAW   2000           2
1  10057   DEPOSIT   5000           1
2  10067  WITHDRAW   1000           2
3  10057  WITHDRAW   6000           1
def fun(x):
    return sum(x=="WITHDRAW")
df["withdraw_#"] = df.groupby("user_id")["side"].agg(fun)


df["withdraw_#"] = df.groupby("user_id")["side"].agg(lambda x: sum(x=="WITHDRAW"))

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