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group two dataframes with different sizes in python pandas

I've got two data frames, one has historical prices of stocks in this format:

year Company1 Company2
1980 4.66 12.32
1981 5.68 15.53

etc with hundreds of columns, then I have a dataframe specifing a company, its sector and its country.

company 1 industrials Germany
company 2 consumer goods US
company 3 industrials France

I used the first dataframe to plot the prices of various companies over time, however, I'd like to now somehow group the data from the first table with the second one and create a separate dataframe which will have form of sectors total value of time, ie.

year industrials consumer goods healthcare
1980 50.65 42.23 25.65
1981 55.65 43.23 26.15

Thank you

You can do the following, assuming df_1 is your DataFrame with price of stock per year and company, and df_2 your DataFrame with information on the companies:

# turn company columns into rows
df_1 = df_1.melt(id_vars='year', var_name='company')

df_1 = df_1.merge(df_2)
# groupby and move industry to columns
output = df_1.groupby(['year', 'industry'])['value'].sum().unstack('industry')


industry  consumer goods  industrials
1980               12.32         4.66
1981               15.53         5.68

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