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Reading JSON file into React Context Provider with Typescript

My React Typescript app has a Context Provider DataProvider that is to read a value from a JSON file and provide it in the Context useData() . I am trying to do the read synchronously to avoid having to deal with a isLoading since this is a tiny local JSON file.

Is there a recommended way to read the JSON file synchronously inside a Context Provider?

I tried the following using node-sync , but its giving a Typescript error

Object is possibly 'undefined'.ts(2532)

on data at line

return data.find(...

Tried changing it to

return data?.find(...`

but now the error is

Property 'find' does not exist on type 'never'.ts(2339)

import React, {
  } from 'react';
import Sync from 'sync';

export interface DataProviderProps {
    children: ReactNode;
export interface Data {
    secretNumber?: string;

// @ts-ignore
const DataContext: Context<Data> = createContext<Data>();

export function DataProvider({ children }: DataProviderProps) {
    const secretNumber = useMemo(() => {

      // Read from JSON file
      const contractFile =
        process.env.REACT_APP_WORLD === 'main'
          ? '../main.json'
          : '../test.json';
      let data;
      Sync(function () {
        data = import(contractFile);
      return data.find( // <=== TS error: Object is possibly 'undefined'.  ts(2532)
        ({ name }: { name: string }) => name === 'elonmusk',
    }, []);
    const states = useMemo<Data>(() => {
      return {
    }, [secretNumber]);
    return (
      <DataContext.Provider value={states}>

export function useData(): Data {
    return useContext(DataContext);
export const DataConsumer: Consumer<Data> = DataContext.Consumer;

array.find() returns undefined If no values satisfy the testing function, from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find , so just add (!) after the array.find()! fxn to ascertain a value would be returned.

sample code stub

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