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Why is this react route throwing an error of no route matched location?

I have some problem related to routing in my code im getting error "react_devtools_backend.js:4026 No routes matched location "/airlines/1/reviews/new" .That is when im trying to give a review to a particular airline. here is my code I have App.js-Airlines.js-AirlineCard.js-Reviews.js-AddReviewForm

App.js.My route is defined here



          <Route exact  path="/airlines" element={<><Search search={search} onSearchChange={setSearch} /><Airlines  /></>} />
          <Route exact  path="/myprofile" element={<MyProfile />} />
          <Route exact  path="/airlines/:id" element={<Reviews reviews={reviews} setReviews={setReviews} />} />
          <Route path="/airlines/${id}/reviews/new" element={ <AddreviewForm />} />
          <Route exact path="/" element={<Home user={user}/>} />
```[enter image description here][1]


function Airlines(){ const[airlines,setAirlines]=useState([]);


    <AirlinesCard key={airline.id} airline={airline}/>




function AirlinesCard({airline}){ const{id,name,image,slogan,wlink}=airline; return( <>



<Link to={ /airlines/${id} }>Enter

Book your tickets now!

 </> )



function Reviews({reviews,setReviews}){

useEffect(()=>{ fetch("/reviews") .then(res=>res.json()) .then(reviewData=>{ setReviews(reviewData) }) },[])

function handleAddReviews(newReview){ console.log("in handle add review", newReview) setReviews([...reviews,newReview]);


 const {id}=useParams(); console.log(reviews) let filteredReviews=reviews.filter(review=>{ return review.airline.id===parseInt(id)}) return( <> <h1>Reviews</h1> <Link to="/airlines"><button>Go Back</button></Link> <Link to={`/airlines/${id}/reviews/new`}><button>Add a Review</button></Link> { filteredReviews.map((review)=>{

return ( ); })}

 </> )


 I have defined my link to go to add review form in the Reviews.js thanks here is the link [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/s6JMJ.png

Your route looks like it's got a typo, should be

<Route path="/airlines/:id/reviews/new" element={ <AddreviewForm />} />

instead of

<Route path="/airlines/${id}/reviews/new" element={ <AddreviewForm />} />

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