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Error Call to a member function getFieldNames() on null in codeigniter 4

I'm trying to get the columns name from "users" table in my database using detFieldNames function in codeigniter 4 but something went wrong. Here is the error: Error

Model class:

class UsersModel extends Model
    public function __construct()
        $db = \Config\Database::connect();
        $this->builder = $db->table('users');
function getColumns()
        $names = $this->db->getFieldNames('users');
        foreach ($names as $field) {
            echo $field;

You don't have to manually set/configure the "Query Builder object". Simply set the $table protected property on the model to represent the name of the database table.



namespace App\Models;

use CodeIgniter\Model;

class UsersModel extends Model
    protected $table = "users";

    function getColumns(): array|false
        return $this->db->getFieldNames($this->table);


// ...

$columns = (new \App\Models\UsersModel)->getColumns();

foreach ($columns as $column) {
   echo $column;


You could alternatively just use the db_connect() helper method to get the default "database connection" . Ie:

$names = db_connect()->getFieldNames("users")

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