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ZK: dom-to-image screenshot script not working?

Hi I am new to ZK and I am struggling to get my script working. I have tried creating testing the script on a HTML page which worked fine but it does not work in my ZK page

 <script> function captureScreen() { const screenshotTarget = document.body; domtoimage.toBlob(screenshotTarget).then(function (blob) { window.saveAs(blob, 'my-node.png'); }); alert("alert box!!"); } </script>

the alert box was added as a test and it displays fine, however the script to take and download a screen capture does not.

I guess you use this dom-to-image . Do you see any js error in your browser console?

In my 1st try, I found the error saveAs is not a function . Then I found I need to include FileSaver .

I have created a trivial example at https://github.com/zkoss-demo/gettingStarted/tree/dom-to-image

If it doesn't help you locate the root cause, please attach related details including error message, zul page source...

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