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Permission denied on Vault Terraform provider token creation

I am using Vault provider in Terraform IaC code like this:

provider "vault" {
  address = var.vault_address

  auth_login {
    path = "auth/approle/login"

    parameters = {
      role_id   = var.cms_vault_role_id
      secret_id = var.cms_vault_secret_id

I pass an address, like: https://www.vault.organization.com and correct role_id and secret_id . When i request a token via HTTP request it works , but in this provider case i get 403 permission denied error, like this:

│ Error: failed to create limited child token: Error making API request.
│ URL: POST https://vault.organization.com/v1/auth/token/create
│ Code: 403. Errors:
│ * 1 error occurred:
│   * permission denied
│   with provider["registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vault"],
│   on providers.tf line 23, in provider "vault":
│   23: provider "vault" {

What wrong with my configuration?

Terraform version ">= 0.13"
Vault provider version "3.7.0"

The 403 error does not come from the path auth/approle/login , but from auth/token/create .

Terraform will try to create a child token is an existing token is found on the in the environment. I think your script is picking up an old token and it fails before ever reaching your code.

Try this (adjust to your environment):

  1. Remove tokens from the token helper ( rm -v ~/.vault-token )
  2. Clear the token environment variable ( unset VAULT_TOKEN )
  3. Debug your configuration with vault print token

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