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asp.net core - where to call MapRazorPages?

In ASP.NET Core 3.x, we add endpoints for Razor Pages with

app.UseEndpoints(endpoint =>

In the ASP.NET Core 6 Web App template (minimal hosting model), this has been changed to:


From MS docs page :

Apps typically don't need to call UseRouting or UseEndpoints. WebApplicationBuilder configures a middleware pipeline that wraps middleware added in Program.cs with UseRouting and UseEndpoints. For more information, see Routing in ASP.NET Core.

My questions are:

  1. Do the 2 method calls above have the same effect?
  2. Am I correct to assume that the second way (ie app.MapRazorPages() ) is possible due to the middleware pipeline configuration by WebApplicationBuilder ? (see snippet from MS docs above).

Thank you in advance.

Short answer: Yes. They are using the same method.

Details you could see below explain:





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