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How to Upload file in a directory to minIO bucket

Hello everyone i have bucket in minio server and bucket name is 'geoxing' and geoxing have directory img/site. i want to upload picture in site directry using nodejs. below is code and i am getting error Invalid bucket name: geoxing/img/site. how can i solve this error. thanks

savefile() {
    const filePath = 'D://repositories//uploads//geoxing//site//b57e46b4bcf879839b7074782sitePic.jpg';
const bucketname = 'geoxing/img/site'
    var metaData = {
      'Content-Type': 'image/jpg',
      'Content-Language': 123,
      'X-Amz-Meta-Testing': 1234,
      example: 5678,
      function (err, objInfo) {
        if (err) {
          return console.log(err);
        return console.log('Success', objInfo.etag);

In Amazon S3 and Minio:

  • Bucket should just be the name of the bucket (eg geoxing )
  • Key should include the full path as well as the filename (eg img/site/b57e46b4bcf879839b7074782sitePic.jpg )

Amazon S3 and Minio do not have 'folders' or 'directories' but they emulate directories by including the path name in the Key . Folders do not need to be created prior to uploading to a folder -- they just magically appear when files are stored in that 'path'.

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