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rvest Web Scraping: Getting http form from site with web-shell-spinner

I'm attempting to extract a form from the following site: 'https://app.qbo.intuit.com/app/login?loadCustomerAssistanceAssets=us&product=qbOnline'


However, it seems that these is a web-shell-spinner preventing me from doing so.

# Get url
main_url <- "https://app.qbo.intuit.com/app/login?loadCustomerAssistanceAssets=us&product=qbOnline"

# Connection
session.1 <- session(main_url)
http_response <- html_form(session.1)

When running just the html_form(session.1) line I get an empty list: 在此处输入图像描述

Im pretty sure it has something to do with the web-spinner on the QuickBooks site: 在此处输入图像描述

Any thoughts on how I can extract the form and POST HTTP request to login?


Here is an example of how you can navigate to the page, enter your username in the form and click on the "sign-in button".


url <- "https://app.qbo.intuit.com/app/login?loadCustomerAssistanceAssets=us&product=qbOnline"
shell('docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-firefox')
remDr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", port = 4445L, browserName = "firefox")

web_Obj_Username <- remDr$findElement("xpath", '//*[@id="ius-signin-userId-input"]')

web_Obj_Signin <- remDr$findElement("xpath", '//*[@id="ius-identifier-first-submit-btn"]')

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