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No method error when using pagy gem -Ruby on Rails

I am trying to use pagy gem but I am getting no method error.

In my controller, I previously have

def index
    @hires = [*current_user.student_hires.order('created_at desc')]

    current_user.groups.includes(:group_hires).each do |group|
      @hires.push(*group.group_hires.order('created_at desc'))

    @hires = @hires.uniq(&:id)


but since I want to use Pagy, I changed it to

def index
    @pagy, @hires = pagy([*current_user.student_hires.order('created_at desc')])

    current_user.groups.includes(:group_hires).each do |group|
      @hires.push(*group.group_hires.order('created_at desc'))

    @hires = @hires.uniq(&:id)

and in my view, I have

<%== render partial: 'pagy/nav', locals: {pagy: @pagy} %>

But I am getting

undefined method `offset' for [#<Hire id: 12, grade: "Grade 1"

I am using pagy in another simpler controller and it works well but I can't get it to work on this controller index.

I was able to fix it using pagy_array

So I did

@pagy, @hires = pagy_array([*current_user.student_hires.order('created_at desc')])

and also added require 'pagy/extras/array' to the config/initializers

More instruction about it is here https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/extras/array#gsc.tab=0

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