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How to set local notifications on Swift(Xcode) on Background App Refresh?

I am currently developing an iOS app in which notifications are necessary. Currently, I am storing a html string in a User Default object:

UserDefaults.standard.set(transcriptHTML, forKey: "transcript")

In order to get the transcriptHTML, I used Alamo Fire to post login information and get necessary html. I want to use the IOS Background app refresh every 5-10 minutes to detect changes in the transcriptHTML(by comparing the userDefault Object html to the new transcript html I get from the net). However, I am unfamiliar with IOS Background app refresh and also the notification process in general. Any help or advice on how to tackle the problem would greatly be appreciated.

I suggest you use the Apple IOS developer website for more information.


The PushKit framework and Push API will be really useful in your development. I have experience with this software and was able to create a successful chat application on IOS platforms. I have more than 10 years of experience with IOS app development, so let me know if you need further information.

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