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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

I have problem with mailChimp integration. On localhost all works good but on deploy i have error. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace') . This is my interface

interface NewsletterFormValues {
  EMAIL: string;

and my function:

const {
    formState: { errors },
  } = useForm<NewsletterFormValues>();
  const url = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAILCHIMP_URL as string;
  const { message, handleSubmit: mailChimpSubmit } = useMailChimpForm(url);
  const emailError = errors["EMAIL"];
  const onSubmit = (fields: NewsletterFormValues) => {
    mailChimpSubmit(fields as Params);

and this is my input for email adress

                    {...register("EMAIL", {
                      required: true,
                    className="w-full lg:w-[458px] h-14 placeholder-black text-[16px] outline-0 py-[18px] pl-4 lg:mr-[24px] border-[1px] border-[#DDDDDC]"
                    placeholder="Email address"

看来process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAILCHIMP_URL (因此url )是undefined ,当未定义的url传递给useMailChimpForm时会导致错误。

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