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Plotting a line graph in R with a reversed x axis

I am trying to plot a spectra in R with a revered x axis using matplot:

matplot(x = colnames(aaaLowCarbonAbsorbanceSpec),
  y = t(aaaLowCarbonAbsorbanceSpec),
  main = "Low Carbon Absorbance", type = 'l',
  xlab = "Wavenumber / cm-1", ylab = "Absorbance",
  col = rgb(red = 1, green = 0.5, blue = 0.5, alpha = 1))

Plots the curve:1

I used the rev() function in:

matplot(x = rev(colnames(aaaLowCarbonAbsorbanceSpec)),
  y = t(aaaLowCarbonAbsorbanceSpec),
  main = "Low Carbon Absorbance Rev", type = 'l',
  xlab = "Wavenumber / cm-1", ylab = "Absorbance",
  col = rgb(red = 1, green = 0.5, blue = 0.5, alpha = 1))

and plotted:2

But the x axis remains the same - how do I get it in descending order?


Here is an image of my data frame:3


Change the xlim= for your plot.

dat <- setNames(as.data.frame(as.list(runif(10))), seq(4000, 3955, by=-5))
rownames(dat) <- "SOG130123"
#               4000      3995      3990      3985      3980      3975      3970      3965      3960      3955
# SOG130123 0.914806 0.9370754 0.2861395 0.8304476 0.6417455 0.5190959 0.7365883 0.1346666 0.6569923 0.7050648

matplot(as.numeric(colnames(dat)), t(dat), type = "l")

具有正常 x 轴的 matplot

matplot(as.numeric(colnames(dat)), t(dat), type = "l", xlim = c(4000, 3955))

具有反转 x 轴的 matplot


More data:

dat <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(runif(30), ncol=10)), seq(4000, 3955, by=-5))
rownames(dat) <- c("SOG130123", "SOG130124", "SOG130125")
#                4000      3995      3990      3985      3980      3975      3970      3965       3960      3955
# SOG130123 0.9148060 0.8304476 0.7365883 0.7050648 0.9346722 0.9400145 0.4749971 0.1387102 0.08243756 0.9057381
# SOG130124 0.9370754 0.6417455 0.1346666 0.4577418 0.2554288 0.9782264 0.5603327 0.9888917 0.51421178 0.4469696
# SOG130125 0.2861395 0.5190959 0.6569923 0.7191123 0.4622928 0.1174874 0.9040314 0.9466682 0.39020347 0.8360043

Reshape and plot:

# library(tibble) # rownames_to_column
library(tidyr) # pivot_longer
dat %>%
  tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
  pivot_longer(-rowname, names_to = "x", values_to = "y") %>%
  mutate(x = as.numeric(x)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = rowname, color = rowname)) +

ggplot2 相当于一个 matplot

dplyr is not required to do this, nor is tibble , but they make it fairly simple to get things started. For reshaping data to support this, ggplot2 really wants "long" data, and the two best tools to support that are tidyr::pivot_longer and reshape2::melt (and data.table::melt , nearly the same except for using data.table instead of a data.frame for data).

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