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Access value from __m128 in rust by index

I have seen that it's rather simple in C to access values in a __m128 register by index. However, it is not possible to do that in rust. How can I access those values?

Concretely, I am calculating four values at once, then I compare them using _mm_cmplt_ps . I use that return register as a mask for further computation.

There are SIMD instructions precisely for this, eg such as _mm_extract_epi32 , but they often require newer versions of SIMD than just SSE2.

I think the easiest way to do this using foolproof safe Rust is using the bytemuck crate, in your example:

let cmp = _mm_cmplt_ps(a, b);
let cmp_arr: [u32; 4] = bytemuck::cast(cmp);

Now cmp_arr[0] , cmp_arr[1] , ..., contain your results.

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