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ValueError: Shape mismatch: if categories is an array, The error is not resolved even after specifying the columns as indexes

    pipe = Pipeline([


ValueError: Shape mismatch: if categories is an array, it has to be of shape (n_features,).

The table is


I don't understand what's the error here in my code?

The error isn't about the column transformers, it's about the OrdinalEncoder . categories needs to be a list of lists: for each column, the list of categories in that column. Since you have just one column, categories=[["Strong","Mild"]] should work.

With just two categories, most subsequent algorithms won't care which one is 0 or 1, so here you could just use the default auto .

Finally, you'll have problems with your column transformers. The change the order (and names) of the columns, so by the end of the pipeline, scaling columns 0 and 2 might not be the two numeric columns. The column order is predictable (transformers in order followed by passthrough), so you could manually keep track. But I would suggest a single column transformer with multiple pipelines instead.

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