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SPARQL filter instances based on data property of instances along object property

I have an OWL model that has the data property hasToken that has range xsd:boolean , so it can have values either true or false . Let's say the the domain of hasToken is class X . Another class Z is domain for an object property , say p which has range Class X .

Z ---- p ----> X ---- hasToken ----> true / false

Every instance of class Z can have multiple assertions of p to instances of class X . Via SPARQL I would like to get all instances of Z , that only has instances of X with hasToken equals true for all objects along property p . So if an instance of Z has even one instance of X along p that is false along hasToken , its a Z that I am not interested in.


x1 --- hasToken ---> true

x2 --- hasToken ---> false

x3 --- hasToken ---> true

x4 --- hasToken ---> false

x5 --- hasToken ---> false

z1 ---p--> x1

z1 ---p--> x2

z1 ---p--> x3

z2 ---p--> x1

z2 ---p--> x3

z3 ---p--> x1

z3 ---p--> x3

z3 ---p--> x5

Th query should return only z2 as both z1 and z3 have atleast one x that hasToken false

For q owl:inverseOf p , the following worked.

SELECT ?task1
    ?z1 a Z.
    ?x :q ?z1.
    ?x :hasToken true.
    ?x1 :hasToken true.
    ?x2 :hasToken false.
    ?x1 :q ?z1.
    ?x2 :q ?z2.
    filter ((?z1=?z2))

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